Benting -- Home
Me, Myself, I, etc.
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Ann's graduation
AIDS Life Cycle ride
I'm currently taking a break after 16 years as a
Tech Lead/Manager (and as you can tell, I'm clearly not some sort of
graphic artist) with Google.
I'm also married
(since 1991) to Margaret
Warton, who has her Master's in Public Health in Epidemiology and BioStatistics
from UC Berkeley and is now working for Kaiser's Division of
Research in Oakland. Check out
her page for more details -- although she's even less likely to update it than I am.
I received a degree
from the Computer Science
Department at the University
California at Berkeley.
Past Life: (or "Do
You Know Me?")
Let's see... Usual
statistics: Born in Fargo, North Dakota. We moved out of the midwest to
Presque Isle, Maine when I was less than one year old. Eventually
tiring of winters with real snow, Mom and Dad moved us all to Portland,
Oregon when I was eleven years old. I graduated from Glencoe High School in
Hillsboro, Oregon in 1986 where I was basically a flake with a decent
GPA despite a general lack of effort. I was also a band geek (and stage
band geek) and ran track and cross-country as well. (Well, I didn't
run track as well as I was a band geek, but I got by...)
graduation, I went to Portland State University to pretend to be a
student in some nebulous form of "engineering" (although I switched to
a music major after my first two attempts at the second term of
college-level calculus resulted in less-than-spectacular results.) I
spent two years as a music major there, performing with the band,
orchestra, and occasionally taking on paid gigs around town.
I was also a
percussionist with the Portland
Youth Philharmonic and its
Preparatory Orchestra during my later high-school and early college
years. Acting as Principal Percussionist and Stage Manager for PYP's European Tour was a lot of fun and way better than going to
school any more -- which segues nicely to the next subject...
Well... How did I
get here?
Shortly after
dropping out of Portland State (I ran out of funds while on tour with
the PYP and was not going to borrow money to go to school -- at least
not with my GPA at the time) Margaret and I (well, I dropped out of
school, while she got undergraduate degrees in Chemistry and Flute
Performance, but you get the idea) married and moved to California. We
both found ourselves in jobs at Phoenix Network (a long-distance
rebiller that no longer exists) and I soon reached the heights of
entry-level-management. (Boy, I feel so darned important...) When the
time came to leave Phoenix and for me to go back to school, I got in
contact with Marc
Goyette (who just happened to
have hired both Margaret and me at Phoenix.) Marc was on the
Board of Directors at AVIRNEX Communications Group (an interesting
little company that dealt in international telecommunications and that
also had a penchant for misspelling the word "access" as a matter of
corporate identity. This is another company that no longer exists. I
believe that I detect a theme here...) They (AVIRNEX -- I know this is
confusing, but do try to keep up) were looking for a part-time
programmer/network admin/phone systems admin/billing geek and a
controller (NOTE: Margaret and I were not trying to get jobs together
again, it just worked out that way) and we never looked back. (Did you
get all that?) (I'm not particularly worried about it, but I just
wanted an excuse to throw another set of parentheses in here. I can be
like that...)
While I was at
school (and working at my frequently-more-than-part-time job at
AVIRNEX) I started watching the companies that came through looking for
software developers. One such company was Wink Communications. When
they came to campus, they sounded interesting enough to check into. (Of
course, their drawing for free televisions -- which I won -- probably
didn't hurt.) After another campus visit closer to my graduation date,
I started talking to them more seriously. This eventually led to a job in
1998. (Yes, I was even there for the IPO at the height of the boom. And
because of the timing of my hire compared to the IPO, the lockups, and
the dot-com-led market crash, I did NOT make enough to retire from our stock before
we were sold. Not even close.) But I still had a job after Wink was
acquired by Liberty
Media, then sold to/merged with
their other new acquisition: OpenTV (now part of Nagra).
I spent a good six years at these two companies playing geek and actively pre-empting any
possible offer of going back into management. Then my manager left and
my Director asked to take over as a Manager, then as later as
Engineering Director.
another few years, and Google came calling
at a time when my job at OpenTV was definitely going to change in some
fashion that wasn't clear to me. After some discussions, I
decided to move in 2007 and
managed an engineering group working on our AdSense
for TV
project until we shut it down in late 2012. Google took very
good care of my whole team and my manager had a couple jobs lined up as
options, so I spent five years managing our video processing group for
YouTube (and several other
Google products.) That included a brief appearance in a Nat and Lo video with a couple of friends.
Then in early 2018, I decided to move on and found another team
in our Security and Privacy group where several people I respected
highly had collected. My portfolio was... eclectic for a while.
I briefly managed Google's Transparency Report as we prepped for the
2020 US Presidential election, managed a team building user interfaces
for several privacy and security products, rebuilt a team to identify
threats in Google Cloud Virtual Machines, and started a team around a
strong lead engineer to identify threats for customers by reviewing
their Google Cloud logs. Two reorgs later, we spun privacy and the
transparency report to the Privacy and Data Protection office, and
all internal security tools moved to another part of the company. So
I helped move the UI folks to a more visible part of the organization
and consolidated the Container Threat Detection team into a new
(more coherent) Cloud Threat Detect group as part of the
newly-launched GCP Security Command Center.
In late 2023, I decided to take a break and left Google.
I'm still enjoying time to do more training on my bike, read and learn,
spend time with family, and and catch up with friends. Sometime in late
2024 or early 2025, I expect that I'll decide whether this is a break or
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Last updated on 2024-09-06.