Benting -- Home
Myself, I, etc.
Links Page
Life Cycle ride
Er -- Hi.
So, here's my half
of our site. This is where I put my traditional disclaimer about how I
don't have time to generate lots of interesting content.
(Well, that's out of the way.) But while I don't freshen this site
weekly (or even yearly these days), I do try to keep it reasonably
up-to-date. (Check the last update statements at the bottom of the
pages to see how I'm doing. Feel free to pester me if it's too old for
The latest update is typically the links page. It's easier
for me to point at interesting things than to create them...)
still playing with this site on occasion to try out new
tools and keep things up to date. I'm also a good little geek
and try to make sure I pass the W3C
Why bother? Well,
basically, it's my chance to shout into the void and see if any echoes
come back. It's also a way to let people find me who have some
irrational desire (or even rational desire) to do so. At least, that's
my rationalization and
I'm sticking to it. Follow the links to your left for more details.
This page by
using KompoZer.
Last updated on 2021-09-21.